May marks the return of mating season for the nuisance bugs, and it lasts four weeks according to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Love bugs are attracted to decomposing plant debris, but sometimes they confuse those odors with chemicals and exhaust fumes. So that's why you may see more and more on the highways and splattered on your vehicle’s windshield & grill

Keeping your car waxed will help to make it easier to remove bug splats from your hood and the wax will also protect your car's paint. They can damage automobile paint if they are “baked” in the sun.

There's a really easy and cheap way to remove the love bug splats from the hood of your car and you can use something that's most likely already in your home? Dryer Sheets! That’s right, not only will they help to keep your clothes smelling fresh they can help you clean off the bug residue from your vehicles. All you need is a little bit of water and a dryer sheet to scrub the bug splats from your vehicle.

For best results, wash them off painted car surfaces as soon as possible and resist the temptation to clear them from your windshield with a blast of washer fluid and a swipe of wipers. It'll create a slurry of bug parts.